From: Charlie Dirksen
3/17/92  Lisner Auditorium, Washington, D.C.

Fun opening.. Mike sustains a low vocal "aaaaaah.."  Kinda
slow, but I don't think this is the tape speed... I think
this really is an unusually slow & funnKAY version.  Lots
of vocal sustaining on tweezAAAAAAAH... !  The
pre-Ebeneezer jam segment isn't anything to speak of. No
one is very active.  Ebeneezaaaaaaaah is hilarious, with
them just going upscale with it until they are screaming
(vocal crescendo/slide up an octave or two).

Jam segment at 4:58.. starts out very slow, with Trey just
slowly sustaining some notes, and Fish Mike and Page just
maintaining the text.  Trey starts getting more active
around 6:15 or so, and finds a theme that is quite
repetitve and tweezeresque, and Very Groovy.. the blending
in here is fantastic!  Very exciting groove, even though
not much in the way of melodic interplay.  Trey finally
starts melodiously soloing around 8 mins or so, and well,
everyone rises to the occasion in accompanying him.

I can't say I'm too fond of this jamming in here.. kinda
clashes around 8:50 or so, and well, Trey isn't really
doing that much.  The theme he was on minutes ago is long
gone, and though his soloing in here is great, it seems
very laid back and not terribly impressive, given what he
is capable of.  It still has a lot of soul.. I think Trey
was telling a Dark Story or something with his soloing in
here, which has a lot of sustaining in the upper octaves,
but minimal trilling.  The note comes in at 10:27, and the
dying out of the Tweezer jam segment ending kicks in..
dies out quickly, too.  Total time 11:19. 4.5 (C)